Tonight while I was in the bathroom at the sink I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Yes, the biggest spider I have ever seen in a house, especially mine. I yelled for Doug- now let me stop here to fill you in on our spider history in our house, a huge spider consists of a dot on the wall- so I yelled and he came in the room. When he saw the spider he said "holy crap". Yes it was that big. Now I am suffering from the spider willies.
I was pulling weeds yesterday and screamed when I pulled up a large weed and found two slugs VERY close to my hand :) HAHA I do understand the willies! :)
I do the same thing with spiders! I spot them all the time, Kyle can't believe how I can see them out of nowhere! That does look like a big spider! creepy!
I just hope she didn't have babies. hehehehe! By the way you've been tagged! http://imacootie.blogspot.com/ and i'm just kidding about the babies.
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